Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Manufactured Identity by Heath Sommer

The Manufactured Identity

Title: The Manufactured Identity
Author: Heath Sommer
Publication: June 2009 by Tate Pub & Enterprise Llc
Pages: 308
ISBN: 9781606965504

Description:  Months after his mysterious disappearance from a routine fishing trip, no one really expects over-the-hill Texas housewife Lory Latchley to find her missing husband—especially her husband. The Manufactured Identity is clinical psychologist Heath Sommer's ever-escalating immersion into the world of unlikely friends who each awaken to find their faithful companions missing without warning or reason. Desperate to find meaning in their pain, they are thrust by the auspices of fate into a common thread of mystery and human frailty. In the end, the fate of all may reside in the unstable hands of rookie pastor John Joe, but ultimately Lory and her newfound partners will uncover a truth so unnerving it makes even infidelity look palatable.

I Give This Book 4 Stars!

I was intrigued from the first couple pages of The Manufactured Identity.  I love psychological mystery/thrillers, and have to say that this is one of the best.  I've found most doctors turned writers try not to show too much of their psychology backgrounds in a story they've written.  But, I found this book was the opposite and I loved every minute of it.  But, then I have a B.S. in psychology so I sort of revel in this kind of stuff.  I wasn't sure were the story was going for a while and there are a lot of characters to keep track of.  But, as I soon found out, this was all part of the point.  It was fascinating to watch the story unfold and I was completely shocked at what the whole truth entailed.  I thought the person revealed in the end was different, so I liked being surprised.  In the end was very glad to have read this book!

* A special thanks to the Author, Dr. Heath Sommer, for the chance to review this book!

1 comment:

  1. OMG another blogger that has read this and enjoyed it. I gave it 5 stars, I loved everything about it.

    Great review


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